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piątek, 18 marca 2011

New rooms

Heya followers,
I just wanted to say that I made some new rooms,
they cost me very much.I tried my best so I hope
u will like them here are some pics of the rooms,
I done 7seven of them.Enjoy looking xD

That's not all of the pics but if you come to my suite you will
see ALL of the rooms.
Alright so..
See ya Guys.
Eliza xx

sobota, 19 lutego 2011

Free hairband

Here's a hairband from a Denmark contest.
This is how it looks..
Go to ; http://gamers-nor.com/
In the bar write in http://www.stardoll.com/en/contest/view.php?id=1016.
Log in.
Again in the bar write http://www.stardoll.com/en/contest/finish.php?id=1016.
Close the Proxy and Log in your normal Sd.
It should be ina bag at your Beauty Parlor.
Enjoy !

środa, 29 grudnia 2010

My winter album looks

Hello,Eliza there !!!
So yesterday I made some ideas to my
Winter look's album I dressed my doll
in frosty clothes like (Blue,white).
I added them to my album 
and above you can see the cover,
and what pages are inside,
for now I have only 4 outfits.
I'm looking for some more
so if you think you've got a frosty 
look-Tell us :)

niedziela, 26 grudnia 2010

Sales at StarPlaza

Hello it's Eliza here :)
Today when I looked at the Fudge shop at stardoll
I saw a they were going out and there
prices are 50% cheaper.
I bought the black boots,leggins and I hope to buy more.
How do you like them ?